
Why philosophical coaching?

Everyone – including you – has a philosophy of life. But for most of us it can be vague, unclear, inconsistent, even contradictory.

By learning the tools and practices of philosophical reflection, you can clearly define and successfully apply a personally meaningful philosophy of your own.

This kind of active wisdom helps you make better decisions, become more successful as a human being, and live a life of deeper meaning, coherence, and fulfillment.

The ancient Greeks called this eudaimonia or complete happiness, and it is the ultimate goal of philosophical coaching.

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Virtue and Happiness

One of Aristotle’s signature claims in ethics is that virtue and happiness go hand in hand. To our ears this sounds questionable at best, because we think of virtue as a matter of following rules and doing your duty, whereas we think of happiness as a matter of having fun and experiencing pleasure. “Do your…

Scholē is Wasted on the Scholars

Exactly five years ago today I published a brief research report on the ancient Greek concept of σχολή. Illustrating the twists and turns that words can take over the millennia, for the ancients scholē meant leisure, but centuries later it also served as the root of our word ‘school’ – not a place that we…

Deep Reading

Recently someone asked me how I approach the reading of timeless books, so here are a few thoughts; perhaps you’ll find this post helpful in your own reading practice. (I read “timely” books differently, but it’s the timeless ones that I care about most.) First, when I want to truly understand a book, I read…

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